Search An Array If It Contains The Keyword In C#

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C# gives a couple of ways to find if a string is in the array. The first one is that the Array class provides a static method. This lets us search the entire with a predicate. This allows you quickly set different conditions like the one we are doing now. The second one is the LINQ function that has a contains method. This method provides a match for the entire string found in each element in the array.

If you were looking for a way to search the array for a partial string then I wrote the following article that explains that in detail. It's called Check If The Text Contains A Keyword From The Array

Summary Table

Analysis TypeArray ExistsArray Contains
Lines Of Code11
.NET Version=>2.0 >=3.5

Search Static Array If It Contains The Keyword Using Array Exists

Array provides a static method to search through the entire array by using a predicate. This is a delegate that let us set whatever conditions that we want. It's like an if statement.

Array Exists Example Code

For this, we set the predicate to find a match on the array item with the keyword. This is an exact match with the array element. In this example, I set 4 different conditions to search for. There's a partial keyword that does exist in the array but not as a whole element so I called it partial. The second keyword is an exact match of one of the array elements and you see that this will come out as true. The other two are the upper and lower version of the text. Since we have set our condition as an exact match these will be false.

string[] breakfastItems = new string[3] { "Omelette with vegetables and cheese", "Breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, cheese, and bacon or sausage", "Yogurt parfait with granola and fruit" };
string keywordPartial = "cheese";
string keywordFull = "Omelette with vegetables and cheese";
string keywordFullLower = "yogurt parfait with granola and fruit";

bool keywordFound1 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordPartial, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound2 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFull, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound3 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFullUpper, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound4 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFullLower, breakfastItems);

bool SearchArrayForKeyword(string keyword, string[] array)
    return Array.Exists(array, item => item == keyword);//Return true if found or else false
Code Output

Only the keyword with an exact match return true and all other return false.

Search Array If It Contains The Keyword Using LINQ Contains

LINQ contains checks to see if the keyword matches one of the array elements. It needs to be an exact match so the name contains is slightly misleading. This contains method only does one thing and that is to find an exact match in the array. It is less flexible than Array exists. But these two methods take up only one line of code which is nice.

LINQ Contains Example Code

In this example, there is another set of breakfast items and we are interested in finding 'Avocado toast with eggs'. As the way it was in the previous example, only the exact match will return true. The partial keyword, upper, and lower keywords all return false.

string[] breakfastItems = new string[3] { "Pancakes with maple syrup and butter", "Avocado toast with eggs", "French toast with berries and whipped cream" };
string keywordPartial = "egg";
string keywordFull = "Avocado toast with eggs";
string keywordFullUpper = "AVOCADO TOAST WITH EGGS";
string keywordFullLower = "french toast with berries and whipped cream";

bool keywordFound1 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordPartial, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound2 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFull, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound3 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFullUpper, breakfastItems);

bool keywordFound4 = SearchArrayForKeyword(keywordFullLower, breakfastItems);

bool SearchArrayForKeyword(string keyword, string[] array)
    return array.Contains(keyword);//Return true if found or else false
Code Output


We want to compare how these two methods perform under a large load. To do this, I'll see a test code to go through the worst-case scenario which is to go through the entire array and see which one is faster. I will measure the result by averaging 10 tests. Each test will have a loop that calls the test function 100 times. Each test function will have an array of 5 million objects to search through.

Test Parameters
Test ParametersTotal
Function Calls Per Test100
Objects Per Function Call5 Million

Static Array Exists Speed Test Code

bool TestMethod(string[] array)
    return Array.Exists(array, item => item == keyword);//Return true if found or else false

LINQ Contains Speed Test Code

bool TestMethod(string[] array)
    return array.Contains(keyword);//Return true if found or else false
Static Array Exists Speed Test Code Output
Test 1:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 349ms
Test 2:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 509ms
Test 3:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 301ms
Test 4:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 296ms
Test 5:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 402ms
Test 6:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 317ms
Test 7:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 390ms
Test 8:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 400ms
Test 9:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 307ms
Test 10:Function Calls:100, In 0m 3s 460ms
Array Exists Method Average Speed:3374ms, In 10 Tests
LINQ Contains Speed Test Code Output
Test 1:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 820ms
Test 2:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 772ms
Test 3:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 799ms
Test 4:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 853ms
Test 5:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 835ms
Test 6:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 769ms
Test 7:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 944ms
Test 8:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 796ms
Test 9:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 784ms
Test 10:Function Calls:100, In 0m 2s 722ms
LINQ Contains Average Speed:2810ms, In 10 Tests
Full LINQ Contains Speed Test Code

using System.Diagnostics;

int numberOfTests = 10;//Number of tests 
int numberOfFunctionCalls = 100;//Number of function calls made per test
int numberOfObjectsToCreate = 5000000;//Number test objects
int lengthOfRandomString = 50;
string testName = "LINQ Contains";//Test name to print to average
string keyword = "random text!";
bool TestMethod(string[] array)
    return array.Contains(keyword);//Return true if found or else false

List<double> testSpeedList = new List<double>();
for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < numberOfTests; testIndex++)
Console.WriteLine($"{testName} Average Speed:{Math.Round(testSpeedList.Average())}ms, In {numberOfTests} Tests");

double StartTest(int testIndex)
    Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
    string[] testData = GetArrayData();//Get intial random generated data
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFunctionCalls; i++)
        stopwatch.Start();//Start the Stopwatch timer
        stopwatch.Stop();//Stop the Stopwatch timer
    stopwatch.Stop();//Stop the Stopwatch timer
    Console.WriteLine($"Test {testIndex + 1}:Function Calls:{numberOfFunctionCalls}, In {stopwatch.Elapsed.Minutes}m {stopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds}s {stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds}ms");
    return stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

string[] GetArrayData()
    string[] testData = new string[numberOfObjectsToCreate];
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjectsToCreate; i++)
        string key = GenerateRandomString(lengthOfRandomString);

        string value = GenerateRandomString(lengthOfRandomString);
        testData[i] = value;

    return testData;

string GenerateRandomString(int length)
    Random random = new Random();
    const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
      .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());


Overall RankMethodSpeed
1LINQ Contains2810ms
2Array Exists3374ms

LINQ Contains is the best method for finding a keyword in an array. It is faster than Array Exists by about half a second. That is the main difference between this use case. They both are one line, but Array Exists is more flexible and that it can apply a lot more different conditions but for this use case LINQ Contains is better.

Know any other ways to search an array for keyword matches? Let me know in the comments below.

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